The Placket

For something that runs up the middle of a shirt, the placket doesn’t get much attention. Granted, it isn’t designed to turn heads, but it can say something about your intended effect and your level of fashion savvy.

The Placket

For some guys, simplicity is best: a plain front maintains a modest but very clean look that is neither too formal nor too casual. It is merely an alternative to the more common front placket. The absence of a front placket also goes by the name French front (hence the association with European styling), but you would probably not be looked down upon for sporting a standard placket on the front of your dress shirt. Paired with a blazer, a dress shirt with a plain front will sink into the background and serve as a more complementary piece.

The standard placket is recognizable by a visible seam running vertically next to the buttons. Fabric sewn over along the front helps reinforce the shirt and reduces worries about wrinkles near the buttons. Again, the choice is largely a superficial one. Although it represents the most popular shirt front, the placket does not conform to any particular dress code or limit you to any particular setting - it works well with casual and formal shirts. However, its popularity does make it a more conventional option, so the plain front gives you a chance to make more of a statement.

Your third option, though the least common, provides an opportunity to show off your fashion savvy at a formal event. The covered placket, or fly front, hides the shirt’s buttons with a piece of fabric - as if to make sure the buttons don’t distract from the rest of your slick outfit. This decidedly dressy look presents a smooth finish that is ideal for black-tie events.

Book Your Appointment

Looking for a more personal touch? Our style advisors can meet you at your office to display fabric samples, take body measurements and guide you through the customization process. Or you can visit us for the same great experience.


Design Your Own Shirt

The beauty of custom is the ability to impose your personal style on any aspect of design. Using our intuitive design interface, which features 3D-rendered shirts and changes shown in real-time, you can choose to customize every last detail or simply the ones that matter to you.


Our Fit Guarantee

Without the assurance of a perfect fit, there’s no trust. We guarantee your shirt to fit the way you intended. If it doesn't, we’ll fix it, then we’ll save your updated measurements in our system for seamless future orders.

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