Dress Shirts for Formal Occasions

For those rare times when you need to be at your very best, it's intimidating to know that every detail will be under the microscope. Make it easier on yourself by starting with the right dress shirt.

Dress Shirts for Formal Occasions

Admittedly your options here are limited, since the height of formality is quiet sophistication. But you are not completely without choice either. Know that white epitomizes this ideal of simplicity and any other colour makes a bold, potentially unwelcome statement about your personality and your level of decorum.

As there are varying degrees of formality, depending on the occasion, you may be able to introduce some colour into your formal dress shirt without causing other guests to drop their monocles in shock. Try a soft blue or something equally inoffensive, which will still maintain the sharp contrast between shirt and tie (and suit).

Collar becomes increasingly important in formal situations, since it speaks volumes about your fashion savvy. The wingtip collar is commonly found on tuxedo shirts, meaning they are made specifically to accommodate a bowtie. However, if you want something with a bit more versatility, consider a dress shirt with either a spread or a cutaway collar. The cutaway is essentially a more pronounced version of the spread, expanding the distance between collar points even more. Because the spread is also an acceptable option for the office, it makes good sense for the guy who doesn’t want to buy a shirt only to let it sit in the closet 364 days a year.

French cuffs are closely associated with elegance, though they wouldn’t necessarily look out of place at the office either. The biggest difference between the two settings is that quirky cufflinks would be frowned upon at a formal event as too kitschy, while they would be a welcome way of toning down the decorum in most business environments.

Book Your Appointment

Looking for a more personal touch? Our style advisors can meet you at your office to display fabric samples, take body measurements and guide you through the customization process. Or you can visit us for the same great experience.


Design Your Own Shirt

The beauty of custom is the ability to impose your personal style on any aspect of design. Using our intuitive design interface, which features 3D-rendered shirts and changes shown in real-time, you can choose to customize every last detail or simply the ones that matter to you.


Our Fit Guarantee

Without the assurance of a perfect fit, there’s no trust. We guarantee your shirt to fit the way you intended. If it doesn't, we’ll fix it, then we’ll save your updated measurements in our system for seamless future orders.

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